Tuesday 24 May 2011

First time.

Everyone will experience something for the first time in their life. Like myself for example, I am experiencing blogging for the first time in my 20 years of life! That's an achievement. But, the important thing about first time is that you will remember it for the rest of your life. For example, falling in love. You will remember your first love even after you are married. That's natural.

Tapi, dalam kes ni aku beza sikit. For the first time, aku akan rasa kehidupan bekerja. Bangun awal, datang kerja lambat, kena marah dengan manager, kena buli dengan staff senior, kena berpisah dengan my parents, tak leh tido lambat dan macam-macam lagi. And of course, that's my imagination jek. Mane la tau kan, tetiba btul pe yang aku ckap. Even the thought of going for practical freak me out. Ramai yang ckp, "soleha, mesti okeynya kat praktikal". Macam mane dieorg tau? Macam mane aku tetiba kena buang kerja ke, xda kawan ke, sakit ke? Siapa nak jaga nnt? I need my friends untuk meluahkan about everything, to laugh at a certain person, to share my joy and sadness.

The positive side about going for practical is that I'll gain experience from it. So, pape yang jadi pun kena hadapi dengan kesabaran. Mencari ilmu memang susah. Kena maki hamun ke, kena tengking ke. Hadapinya dengan senyuman. Nak maki pun, maki kat belakang dia. Bukan dia tau pun.

IOI Putrajaya. Here I come. And be nice to me please.

Thats all for today I guess.


  1. ngokk.. time praktikal mane ade kena buang keja! haha.. kena marah je.. well, praktikal kan? persediaan sblm ke alam pkerjaan. so orang mesti tolong sikit2 punya, and rajin2 mntak tolong, pandangan senior. tempat best, mesti dorg banyak pengalaman. so take care buddy! -afiza- ;)

  2. ade la. my senior ade kot yg kena buang. aish. takot.
