Before I meet him, I have a few rules about my future boyfriend is going to be:
1. He must be rich!
2. He must be cute.
Tu semua ciri-ciri idaman semua wanita. Admit it! But he is more valuable than money and a handsome guy. I don't need all that to make me happy. Seriously, money will run out sooner or later. What if your guy run out of his money? Nak tinggalkan ke? Handsome? So what? Muka handsome tak akan buat kte kenyang pun. Dah tua kedut gak ok.
Meanwhile, Aidi lebih kurang macam nie :
1. Crazy
2. Funny

Untuk sesiapa di luar yang tidak mengetahui atau memahami. Aidi is a life saver. U boleh marah dia, boleh merajuk dengan dia, mintak topup every week, u can be yourself totally, u can do anything with him. Yang penting, dia sabar. And that's why I love him. There's also a few thing la kan. Tak kan nak bagitau semua lak kot, melampau! Haha.
I never believe in love before. But now I do. It only take one person to change your world. Thanks to him, sekarang saya ada pendengar yang setia, penasihat yang baik dan juga kawan yang baik.
ececeh.. ;)
ReplyDeletetharu aidi bace.. hehe