Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The future

The future.
People seems to have different version of their future. Most people said that their future are going to be as bright as the sun. But for me, I don't have any idea about my future. Of course, I've plan out my great future but what if something when wrong and it didn't turn out as I predicted. My world may collapse! 

Saya mula terpikir tentang masa depan. Tentang kerja, tentang "bakal suami", tentang dunia, tentang keluarga,tentang kewangan dan semuanya. Saya selesa dengan kehidupan sekarang. Mungkin pada masa depan semua tak sama. Seriously, it freak me out. 

Ramai nasihatkan supaya sambung belaja lagi. I want to,but not in the nearest time. I need more experience than a book can offer. Life is an adventure, live it, love it. I needed that so that the chapter in my life can be colourful and full of adventure and independence.

Maybe I'll change my mind again after this, who know right. I am a little bit unpredictable. 

The other case of the future is about my practical. It will be 6 long month for that. Who know what will happen. It's half of my year has been taken away from me. Damn it! Tapi, untuk belaja pe salahnya. Takot jgak nk pegi ni. Wat2 berani jek padahal dlm hati dh takot gle. 

The future.
The next minute of your life is the future. Anything can happen will the blink of an eyes. Sabtu depan, bab baru akan saya hadapi. Bab yang tiada siapa pun yang tau kecuali Allah. Ya Allah, permudahkan lah semua urusan ku. 

Takot. Sumpah takot. A new chapter with a new environment. IOI Palm Garden you'll be seeing me this Saturday!

Wish me luck guys! :)

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